Near Match Resolution

Generate a Resolution File

Generate a resolution file that contains all the Near Matches that have been resolved for your LEA/Institution since the last resolution file was generated. After the file is created, it is made available for download in the TIBCO folders. There are two ways to generate the file: from the Near Match Resolution tab or from the File Management menu.

  1. From the Near Match Resolution tab, click the Generate Resolution File button.
    Near Match Resolution screen, bottom button options showing 'Generate Resolution File' option
  2. A pop up window opens showing the status of the file being generated. Once the process is complete, the following will display:
    • the file name
    • the date
    • the number of records included in the Output File
    Resolution File status is displayed showing file name, date, and number of records
  1. Click the File Management menu, and select Generate Resolution File.
    File Management drop down menu highlighting 'Generate Resolution File' option
  2. A pop up window opens showing the status of the file being generated. Once the process is complete, the following will display:
    • the file name
    • the date
    • the number of records included in the Output File
    Resolution File status is displayed showing file name, date, and number of records

FLEID System Training

  1. Introduction
  2. General Information and Logging In
  3. File Management
  4. Near Match Directory
  5. Look-Up
  6. Near Match Resolution

Training Sign-Off

  1. Reflect
  2. Sign Off Form

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