
You should now be familiar with the layout and functions of the FLEID system. Having a connected system within the state will help you create your own efficencies in daily operations as records are created and updated.

How are you feeling about working in the system?

For each of the following, click the toggle switch to select Yes or No. When finished, click the Submit button.

I am prepared to:

Log into the FLDOE SSO site and access the FLEID system.
Check the status of my District/Institution's input files, and view a list of output files generated in the system.
Search for an existing FLEID or record when I need more information before resolving a near match.
Assign or un-assign FLEID records to my account.
Resolve a Near Match match, or create a new FLEID for a record.


You are making good progress. It sounds like you may already have some experience working in the system as well! If you have questions or comments about improving the system and processes involved, please reach out to the FL DOE FLEID Administrators by filling out the Comments section of the Sign-off form.

Be patient with yourself. It takes time to learn all the functionality. As you move forward with using the system, it will become more intuitive. Continue to focus on areas that challenge you. You can refer back to the training manual at any time, or reach out to an FL DOE FLEID Admin with further questions. If you have immediate questions or comments, be sure to include them in the Sign-off form.

It's a tie response. Continue to focus on areas that challenge you.


FLEID System Training

  1. Introduction
  2. General Information and Logging In
  3. File Management
  4. Near Match Directory
  5. Look-Up
  6. Near Match Resolution

Training Sign-Off

  1. Reflect
  2. Sign Off Form

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